Optimus PRO LX 7

Optimus PRO LX 7
alaScore -1

5 evaluaciones

Jun 2024

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Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus PRO LX-7


I bought these for use as my quiet speakers while living in an apartment. My 15" Lansings were too much when I wanted to listen to music or the tv in stereo, without headphones. I have also used these connected to a computer and the computer just...

Jul 2009

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus PRO LX-7


The pro lx -7's like the other pro series speakers biggest problem is a weak enclosure. I own lx-10's lx-8's lx-5's and a mathcing cs-5 center speaker. the biggest improvment i did was lining the enclosures with dynamat extreme and filling them up with...

those beatiful linaum tweeters they sound soo sweet. they do take some power though, they are not very efficent especially with the extra dampening. the biggest benefit is making the enclosure sound more solid. im running 130 watts a channel with 7...

the enclosures, the lack of efficiency i bought these on ebay really cheap so it was a great deal

Abr 2003

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus PRO LX-7


Te PRO LX7 are great for your money, i love these speakers. They are hooked up to a budget amp, (sony STR-DE345) and bridged of a optimus 100Watt SUB WOOFER :). I got the speakers for a cheaper price because i work there and i''m trying to track more...

Nice smooth bass, with high freqs

If pumped to the ulimate max, you start to hear a click, (the woofer moves too much leading to a possible damaged speaker)

Abr 2002

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus PRO LX-7


I would have to say that for the size the sound great!The are a good match for my Pro CS3 center channel speaker and the Optimus XTS-10 Swivel rear channel speakers I use with my NAD 711 Prologic Receiver. The thing that really suprised me is the clean...

wonderfull Room filling bass with crisp undirectional highs

poor enclosure craftsmanship i.e. partical board vinyl finish

Jun 2001

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus PRO LX-7


Ok. First of all, I simply like reviewing this Radio Shack LX series, it's overall the best value in existance, or at least was in existance. I've owned just about every LX speaker made one time or another just because they were so cheap and made a...

Great price

Midrange? Where

Jun 2001

Comparación de precios para Optimus PRO LX 7

No hay precios para este producto

Los mejores 5 Parlantes