Optimus Pro LX5 Floorstanding Speakers

Optimus Pro LX5 Floorstanding Speakers
alaAverage 5

6 evaluaciones

Jun 2024

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 6 comentarios relacionados al producto Optimus Pro LX5 Floorstanding Speakers. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 5.0/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.3/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos. La gente está impresionada con el tamaño. El diseño también consigue buenas revisiones, aunque hay algunas valoraciones heterogéneas respecto al sonido.

relación calidad-precio, diseño, tamaño

En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 100/100.

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Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus Pro LX5 - (Floorstanding Speakers)

Nov 2008

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus Pro LX5


While getting to move, I was cleaning out the closet and got to looking two pair of damaged bookshelves gathering dust. The Pro LX-5's woofer surrounds had rotted out and the cleaning lady's toddler had poked his fingers into the mono-pole tweeters of...

Everything ; Great soundstage, clarity, no mid-bass booming


Nov 2008

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus Pro LX5


OK boys, I bought these about a year ago and had always wanted one ever since reading Julian Hirsch's review in Stereo Review. He raved and raved about the speakers. I finally was able to find and buy a pair. Well, for over a year I found the speakers...

Awesome for HT. Simply the best for HT. And excellent for 2 channel, once biwired and properly placed

Boominess if not hooked up/tuned correctly. Heavy heavy heavy

Ene 2005

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus Pro LX5


After reading all the reviews I thought I had to give these a shot. Well, I don't think these speakers live up to all the rave reviews. The tweeter is nice but there is no bass, no midrange and overall the sound seems weak. It seems like these speakers...

linaeum tweeter obviously

no bass, no midrange, flat response

Nov 2004

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus Pro LX5


Amazed at these little speakers, especially at the price. Sure they have limited and honky bass and a rather jagged midrange but the treble can be exquisite. Nothing else I have heard in their price range ever came close.So I have tried to modify them...

Size, reasonable build quality, simlicity, value, treble

Limited bass, can lack depth (but plenty of width)

Nov 2003

Comentario de Usuario (audioreview.com)

Optimus Pro LX5


I bought two of them 3 years ago for $50 each when my quad's died. (the quad's lived for 20 years and at that time i didn't have the money to buy Quad's again.)Modified these heavily. (Larry van Wormers mod, better wiring, better damping, crossover...

very good at medium and high frequencies.after modding comparable with Quad's

bass. needs a sub

Oct 2003

Comparación de precios para Optimus Pro LX5 Floorstanding Speakers

No hay precios para este producto

Los mejores 5 Parlantes