GE 5-Cup Digital Coffee Maker

GE 5-Cup Digital Coffee Maker
alaAverage 4

6 evaluaciones

Jun 2024

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 6 comentarios relacionados al producto GE 5-Cup Digital Coffee Maker. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 4.0/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.2/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos. La gente está encantada con el diseño y el tamaño. La calidad del montaje y la funcionalidad también obtiene comentarios favorables.

funcionalidad, tamaño, calidad del montaje, diseño

En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 80/100.

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(Basado en 6 comentarios)

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Comentario de Usuario (



This coffee maker is a great space saver.It makes great coffee fast with a no mess feature which allows you to pick up the pot for 30 seconds at a time while the coffee is still brewing without the coffee dripping through.This feature is not just great...

Feb 2014

Comentario de Usuario (

Less than satisfactory


This particular model tends to leak coffee everywhere. The only thin good about it is the filter and that you don't need paper filters in order to filter the coffee. It tends to gets clogged and is tough to clean. Brew Performance The brew performance...

Ene 2014

Comentario de Usuario (

Good coffee pot and great size


I had this coffee pot for three years and it was a great coffee pot overall. When it got older, it started to have a few problems, but it took several years for it to have any problems. The reusable filter in this coffee pot was great, we never had...

Ene 2013

Comentario de Usuario (

Great for guests!


We got this as a gift and while neither my husband or I drink coffee, it has been great to have when there are guests over. I think it's probably better for this type of use rather than an avid everyday coffee drinker. It make enough to where guests...

Dic 2012

Comentario de Usuario (

Faithful little coffee pot!


Since my husband doesn't drink coffee, and I cut back to just 1-2 cups a day, our 12c. coffee pot became too bulky for our small kitchen. My husband surprised me with this coffee pot last year, and I've loved it. It is very streamlined and takes up...

Nov 2012

Comentario de Usuario (

great for starter however poor durabiltiy


was fairly inexpensive and easy to clean but quit working after 5 months and we didn't even use it all the time Brew Performance very typical, nothing special and didn't keep coffee very hot afterwards Ease of Cleaning easy to clean with the reusable...

Oct 2012

Comparación de precios para GE 5-Cup Digital Coffee Maker

No hay precios para este producto

Los mejores 5 Máquinas para cafe y cafe espresso