CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 2226

CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 2226
alaAverage 3.4

5 evaluaciones

Jun 2024

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 5 comentarios relacionados al producto CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 2226. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 3.4/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.1/5 de otros productos en la categoria Ordenadores . Los usuarios están encantados con la funcionalidad. La fiabilidad y el tamaño comentarios negativas.


fiabilidad, tamaño

En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 68/100.

Analisis de Comentarios

(Basado en 5 comentarios)

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Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5 Mostrar Evaluaciones: En español | Todas las evaluaciones

Comentario de Usuario (

3 time it take to get it right but when its right its right


i recommend it

great gaming

small power suply

Mar 2016

Comentario de Usuario (



Kudos to Newegg for their excellence and customer service in facilitating a return, but I will never order another Cyberpower machine again. I rue the day I placed this order; it was way more stress than it should have been, and it was NOT good to go...

It looks pretty

Machine was completely torqued, never booted into windows, even system recovery would get me in, but BSODs and overheating galore. To say I was irritated was an understatement. I am an experienced technician and it boggles me that the machine even left...

Feb 2016

Comentario de Usuario (

Very Disappointed


None. Was not the complete unit as purchased

Having read good things about CyberpowerPC, and liking the specs, I ordered this desktop a few days ago. I was pleased as punch when it arrived this afternoon, earlier than estimated. Unfortunately, that was the highpoint of the experience. While...

Feb 2016

Comentario de Usuario (



Set up and personal modifications were easy. Runs my PC games smoothly. Happy With purchase so far. Windows 10 is nice.

none yet

Oct 2015

Comentario de Usuario (



Set up and personal modifications were easy. Runs my PC games smoothly. Happy With purchase so far. Windows 10 is nice

none yet

Oct 2015

Comparación de precios para CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 2226

No hay precios para este producto