ASRock Vision X 420D/B

ASRock Vision X 420D/B
alaAverage 3.5

7 evaluaciones

Jun 2024

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 7 comentarios relacionados al producto ASRock Vision X 420D/B. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 3.5/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.1/5 de otros productos en la categoria Ordenadores . Las opiniones acerca del tamaño y el diseño son por lo general positivas. La relación calidad-precio y la funcionalidad también se valora, aunque la fiabilidad consigue revisiones críticos.

diseño, tamaño, funcionalidad, relación calidad-precio


En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 69/100.

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Comentario de Usuario (

Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für ASRock Vision X 420D/B


alaTest hat 2 Kundenbewertungen für ASRock Vision X 420D/B von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 5.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.2/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme auf Die Bedienbarkeit und das Preisleistungsverhältnis wird von den Testern positiv bewertet, das Design wird ebenfalls positiv gesehen.

Design, Preisleistungsverhältnis, Bedienbarkeit

100% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Jun 2024

Comentario de Usuario (

good luck getting a response from ASR


If you need 2 great machines, but 3 and hope for the best...

I have 3 of these machines - 2 work perfectly

1 of my 3 machines won't boot if the top shield inside the case is fastened down. If you leave out the screws it boots fine, but the video crashes if you bump it and you have to reboot the machine. I've sent two technical requests to ASR through their...

Ene 2015

Comentario de Usuario (

extremely slow write speed, slow read speed


If you need 2 great machines, but 3 and hope for the best...

I have 3 of these machines - 2 work perfectly

1 of my 3 machines won't boot if the top shield inside the case is fastened down. If you leave out the screws it boots fine, but the video crashes if you bump it and you have to reboot the machine. I've sent two technical requests to ASR through their...

Ene 2015

Comentario de Usuario (

Great graphics and gaming; troublesome hardware


This is a great PC. Small size, quiet and awesome gaming performance. However, I've experienced a number of problems that may be due to Windows 8.1 or the hardware drivers, or both. 1) If I leave the BIOS support for USB 3.0 enabled, my external...

Great gaming support from video card ; Quiet ; Small form factor

Windows 8.1 hardware support ; USB 3.0 devices not consistently working ; Sleep mode issues ; SD card reader doesn't work

Oct 2014

Comentario de Usuario (

Awesome Mini Gaming PC


CPU i5-4200M Idle: 55C Surfing: 63C 1080P movie: 60C Steam Games: 77C PSX2 emulator: 81C Dolphin emulator: 81C Prime 95 Torture Test for 16 minutes: 84C Windows 7 Experience Index: Processor: 7.2 Memory: 7.6 Graphics: 7.5 Gaming GPU: 7.5 Hard disk: 7.9...

I didn't buy the VisionX at NewEgg, but I bought the OS (Windows 7), the two STDR2000102 2TB hard drives (I ripped out the hard drives and installed them on the VisionX), and the Samsung Evo 250 mSATA at NewEgg. I did keep the original RAM that was...

I was initially stuck when I was trying to install the second 2.5" hard drive. I didn't know how to do it since the manual didn't explain it well. However, all the cables were included and after studying the motherboard and the enclosed cables, I...

May 2014

Comentario de Usuario (

Buggy BIOS 1.50


I am still happy with it since it boots so quickly from the SSD so the lack of Rapid Start does not pose a practical problem.

Silent. Room for 2 drives 2.5" + mSata + optical. Great performance for the form factor

Buggy BIOS. If you disable the legacy USB settings it disables the ability to get into the BIOS again with a USB keyboard to undo the setting. Only way out is to clear CMOS ; I installed a Samsung EVO 840 SSD as SATA device 0. Stock HDD is device 1. I...

Feb 2014

Comparación de precios para ASRock Vision X 420D/B

No hay precios para este producto