Sensodyne Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel Extra Fresh Toothpaste 75ml

Sensodyne Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel Extra Fresh Toothpaste 75ml
alaAverage 4.4

71 evaluaciones

Jun 2024

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 71 comentarios relacionados al producto Sensodyne Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel Extra Fresh Toothpaste 75ml. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 4.4/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.5/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos.

En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 87/100.

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(Basado en 71 comentarios)

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Mostrando 1 - 10 de 71 Mostrar Evaluaciones: En español | Todas las evaluaciones

Comentario de Usuario (

Been using for last few weeks and really like it


I have lots of fruit and juices so am more conscious about my enamel - have been using this for a few weeks now and really like the taste/freshness.

Jul 2017

Comentario de Usuario (

Great Polish Feeling


Love this product, leaves my teeth feeling super clean and fresh. Really enjoy the after feeling, where my teeth feel polished and bright!! Great tasting product, ticks all the boxes for a great toothpaste.

Jul 2017

Comentario de Usuario (

Not my favourite but not bad


Wasn't very keen on the taste of this product, but it did make my teeth feel clean and look a little brighter.

Jul 2017

Comentario de Usuario (

cant tell if it did ANYTHING


I'm sure it cleaned my teeth but you don't buy a whitening toothpaste just to clean, sure the sensitivity coverage is what you expect from any sensodyne product . the taste of the toothpaste was absolutely vile second to worst taste ever on a...

Jul 2017

Comentario de Usuario (

Great taste and made my enamel stronger and whiter


Great taste and made my enamel stronger and whiter

Jul 2017

Comentario de Usuario (

long lasting freshness


I was given that product in exchange for an honest review. On the sensitivity part, Sensodyne never fails. You don't need much of the product. Also there is no foaming effect which i read in toothpasts is typically only a marketing aspect. Breath fresh...

Jun 2017

Comentario de Usuario (

better than expectied


much nicer taste than some others i have tried. i wasn't holding out for the help with sensitivity but it has actually helped!! Not much whitening but my teeth are stubborn

Jun 2017

Comentario de Usuario (

Gets the job done


This is a nice gentle formula which does what it says on the tube. The effects are not as long lasting as some other formulas but it feels a lot less harsh than some competitors. Makes breath smell great too.

May 2017

Comentario de Usuario (

Gentle and Whitening


i have sensitive teeth with very damaged enamel so usually wont use whitening toothpaste.' This was excellent, gentle and effective and tasted great.

May 2017

Comentario de Usuario (



I used this toothpaste whilst I had and had sensitive teeth issues. And my sister also used it while pregnant. It definitely helped with the sensitivity and even using a soft bristled brush made me feel my teeth were clean and mouth was fresh....

May 2017

Comparación de precios para Sensodyne Pronamel Strong & Bright Enamel Extra Fresh Toothpaste 75ml

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