Breville Kintetix Task BBL550

Breville Kintetix Task BBL550
alaAverage 1.9

35 evaluaciones

Jun 2024

alaTest ha recogido y analizado 35 comentarios relacionados al producto Breville Kintetix Task BBL550. En promedio, la calificación para este producto es 1.9/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.2/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos.

En promedio, los usuarios valoran este producto en 37/100.

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(Basado en 35 comentarios)

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Mostrando 1 - 10 de 35 Mostrar Evaluaciones: En español | Todas las evaluaciones

Comentario de Usuario (

Burned out


Our Kinetix burned out a few weeks back. I just rang the number for customer service, the young lady was helpful, but unfortunately all the service centres are miles away. It's a shame 'cause it was a great blender while it worked.

Jul 2016

Comentario de Usuario (

Burnt out


Bought this for my daughter a maybe 2 years ago, and we'd all been happy with it. However, today when I wont to use it, it started smelling really bad, like an electrical burning smell. I switched it off, waited a a minute or so, and then tried it...

Ene 2016

Comentario de Usuario (



Hopeles, same problem as everybody else, hardly used and seal gone. They now only keep as a kit including blade and jug (jug was fine) for $82. Are these made in australia-no. More chinese rubbish. Last breville item to ever be purchased.

Abr 2015

Comentario de Usuario (

bad smell and rubber in drink


after a long period of not using our Brevelle blender we decided to make a watermelon smoothy for our family. after blending there was a really bad smell of burning rubber as well as a burnt rubber substance in the watermelon drink inside the...

Mar 2015

Comentario de Usuario (

Stopped working properly


xxxxxxxxxxx (name purposely deleted) Customer Service Consultant No the response I was expecting, and not impressed. It appears there is only one service centre in each state. The one listed for Melbourne didn't even have a phone number listed. I am so...

Oct 2014

Comentario de Usuario (

Looks great but doesn't last


I've had this blender for almost 2 years, and am now looking for a replacement as the blade unit has failed again. The bottom blade unit is poorly designed and quickly fails. I've had 4 sets of replacements now. It's used on a daily basis to make...

looks great, solid build

blade unit seals fail very quickly with light use

Ago 2014

Comentario de Usuario (

Do not buy a very bad design


This product looks great on the outside but its such a pity it doesn't live up to the quality I would expect. The blender broke down with a bad burning smell. Some part seized so you couldn't undo the top part for cleaning. I had pay to get that fixed...

looks great

expensive and will not last as it should

Abr 2014

Comentario de Usuario (

would not buy again


Paid over $100 for this blender and it did not last. Like Anthony said, mine kept cutting out also. I would never buy another. The experience really put me off breville as a company. Whenever I made smoothies they never seemed really smooth- it never...

unreliable and poor quality

Mar 2014

Comentario de Usuario (

Power issue


I've had the unit for about a year I use it for soups and the occasional smoothie. The unit works only for a few seconds before cutting out. Apparently the unit is now discontinued and cannot be swapped over as no one seems to have any stock anywhere...

Glass jug

Feb 2014

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turned it on the water became dirty, it was the rust and oil from the bearings. I have been making smoothies so hadn't noticed the rust coming through into the drink. Yuk. I was going to replace the blade assembly but after reading other reviews I am...

looks good, glass jug, can be totally disassembled for cleaning.

Leaks. Rust from bearings goes into blender.

Oct 2013

Comparación de precios para Breville Kintetix Task BBL550

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